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Qualities of self management

Self Awareness

Self awareness is having knowledge of what is going on inside our psyche. This includes both the content of the Self at this moment: sensations, emotions, thoughts, desires, etc. as well as general knowledge of the structure and nature of the psyche, personality, values, goals, motivations, etc.

Self Control

Self control (also: Self regulation) is the ability to regulate one’s emotions, thoughts, and behavior to achieve specific goals, in particular in the face of impulses, temptations, and challenging situations.

Self Discipline

Self discipline is the ability to create new habits of thought and action with the purpose of improving oneself and achieving one’s goals. This includes using willpower, as well as delaying immediate gratifications for a future benefit (both of these should be used only when necessary, without overdoing it).


Temperance is voluntary moderation and self-restraint from going to extremes or excesses. E.g. consuming foods and beverages in moderation without getting to a state of obesity, drunkenness, or addiction. Also restraint from rage and vengeance, from arrogance, from extravagant luxury, etc. (Opposite: addiction, extremism, gluttony)


Patience is a willingness and ability to respond to delay without restlessness, annoyance, complaining, etc. (Opposite: Impatience)


Diligence is putting persistent, dedicated, and earnest effort into achieving a goal. (Opposite: procrastination, laziness, negligence)


Cleanliness is habitually maintaining one’s body and surroundings clean, and practicing good hygiene.


Orderliness is habitually maintaining one’s surroundings organized, orderly, uncluttered.

Self Care

[TBD: Taking care of your health and body, i.e. eating healthy, physical exercise, going to doctors regularly, etc.]