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Role Playing Simulations

This activity is designed to be a safe space, a “laboratory” in which we use role-playing to explore our desires and behaviors in various life situations. It’s ideal for anyone looking to gain deeper self-awareness, explore their life choices, and practice handling various situations in a supportive, non-judgmental environment.

What to Expect:

  • Life Scenarios: We will role-play different situations that are relevant for your life, ranging from everyday encounters to complex decision-making scenarios. These simulations are designed to mirror real-life challenges and opportunities.
  • Self-Discovery & Insights: Engage in activities that will help you uncover deeper insights about your desires, fears, and aspirations. Discover limiting beliefs and confront them in a supportive environment.
  • Skill Development: Develop and practice essential life skills such as communication, empathy, and problem-solving.
  • Creativity: In a simulation, you can also include “imaginary elements”, e.g. a helper that stands behind you and whispers into your ear what to say, as well as “restart” the simulation with different conditions or different instructions to the other players.
  • Feedback & Reflection: After each simulation, we’ll have a group discussion to reflect on our experiences, share feedback, and glean collective wisdom.
  • Community Support: Experience the power of community as we support each other in our journeys of personal growth and self-improvement.