Crafting Your Positive Life Narrative

What’s your story?

Your mind is constantly telling you a story about your life and about who you are.

If the story is positive and inspiring, you feel good, you have energy to do things and face challenges. You feel satisfaction, appreciation, optimism, confidence, enjoyment.

If the story is negative and puts you down, you feel stress, anxiety, sadness, depression, anger, resentment, and pessimism. It drains your energy, and negatively affects your physical health.

You do not have to settle for the default story that your mind is telling you. You can intentionally design an empowering story. This is the meaning of the phrase: “You are the creator of your own reality”.

This is crucial because your mood and your perspective on life significantly affect your capabilities, your success, and what you attract to your life.

The process

In this meetup, you will be guided to start a process of writing a positive and inspiring narrative about your life.

The purpose of this process is to create empowering “lenses” through which you view reality such that you feel good about yourself and your life.

This process does not merely involve “writing gratitudes” but creates a comprehensive view of your life, including your goals and plans. Importantly, we will notice any objections, fears, and pains that may arise, and transmute them to positive, productive, and realistic steps that you look forward to doing (focusing on solutions rather than getting stuck in problems or emotional pains). We will discuss how to do this without falling into the trap of “toxic positivity”. 

After the meetup, we’ll keep in touch for supporting each other to continue this process. We’ll share how we feel about the narrative we created, how focusing on it helps us to “raise our vibration”, and what further objections we notice that require to be transmuted. We will show each other our written narrative to get suggestions for further enhancements and clarifications. 

For more information about our meetups, see: Ask And It Is Given!