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Ask And It Is Given: Frequently Asked Questions

Here are frequently asked questions about the activity Ask And It Is Given.
If you have further questions, please contact us.

What is a wish list?

A wish list describes a collection of experiences that a person hopes to achieve. In includes dreams, aspiration, goals, and objectives in various areas of life, such as career objectives, fitness indicators, and financial aims. A wish list allows you to outline your desires clearly, making it easier to share with others who can provide support and guidance in achieving them. Here are a few examples of common wish list items:

  • I wish to go on a short hike in nature
  • I wish to tone my body
  • I wish to have a girlfriend
  • I wish to find more clients for my business
  • I wish to find people to give me feedback on the book I’m writing

What’s the benefit of participating?

If you would like to bring your personality, business/career, and your life to the next level, in a supportive community, then this place is for you. We all have some “sticky points” and issues we are stuck on, but a structured group process can help you make practical breakthroughs so you can bring more of your potential to light. Also, when you help someone make progress you feel satisfaction and connection, and you also learn more and empower yourself.

Who can join?

This group is for people who want to bring to the next level their personality, their business/career, and their lives. If the ideas here resonate with you, then let’s talk, to make sure our visions align and we have compatible “vibes”. Send a message here with some info about yourself, what you hope to gain from the group, and what you’d like to contribute. We will then have a F2F or video meeting to get to know each other.

How can I contact you?

Please send a message here.

How much does it cost?

This is a non-commercial event, organized by friends for their mutual benefit.

When and Where?

To be determined based on people’s availability.

How is the group managed?

We need to find the sweet spot on the continuum between one or two organizers who decide on everything, vs. a self-governing community with a structured process for collaborative decision making to ensure everyone’s voices are heard. Naturally, there needs to be a core team that puts energy into this project to make sure it happens, but if participants take on some of the organization tasks, it makes it easier for everyone. For example, if you have experience with leading personal development processes, then you’ll get a chance to contribute to the community with your valuable skills.

Who are the organizers?

See here.